Our Objectives

Created in 2010 with a mission to effectively participate in the assistance of war victims, the Community Awakening of Assistance to Victims “RECOVI” is a non-profit.


Our Objectives

● Advocating for the promotion of human rights and peace building and security;
● Assisting and protecting community vulnerables and changing their narrative trough charity actions,psychiatric rehabilitation and socioneconomical integration;
● Fighting against Gender based violence, childhood sexual harassment and contributing in the prevention and pacific resolution of conflicts;
● To contribute to the environmental protection, climate change resilience and desaster risk reduction;
● Fighting against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, landmines and cluster munitions, organized crime and drug abuse;
● Support and partner with organizations, coalitions, movements and other activists for similar goals;
● Empowerment of women and youn people through entrepreneurial actions;
●Contributing and advocating for environmental protection and reduction of natural disaster risks;
●Contribute to human health through local actions on mental and oral health in Burundi.

Contact Us

Give us a call, email us or come and visit us Or complete the
form below to send us a message

Location :

Commune Mukaza, zone Rohero – Boulevard de l’Indépendance, Immeuble Gift Center 3ème Etage

Open Hours :

Monday - Friday:
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM