Vision and Values

A Peaceful world without violence and an establishment of a sustainable and developed community.

Recovi’s vision

A peaceful and sustainable world without violence where people enjoyed their rights and contribute in building strong, socio-economic and cohesive communities.

Recovi’s mission

To contribute in building better and a peaceful world in which conflicts, poverty and violence are reduced but human rights and sustainability promoted.


Our values

(1) At RECOVI, we hold our values of transparency, tolerance and honesty in the highest regard.

(2) RECOVI acts openly as good practice, but essentially for working in development and aid.

(3) RECOVI is built under a tolerance basis. This implies a high degree of acceptance for differences of races and ethnicity, background and diversity of ideas.


RECOVI values all National, Regional, International Partnerships and Collaborations. We sincere express a splendid gratitude to our past and current partners for they are mostly impacting the change of the World we need through RECOVI's initiatives. The togetherness is highly counted as the only environment of changing from the worst to wellness.

Contact Us

Give us a call, email us or come and visit us Or complete the
form below to send us a message

Location :

Commune Mukaza, zone Rohero – Boulevard de l’Indépendance, Immeuble Gift Center 3ème Etage

Open Hours :

Monday - Friday:
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM