Welcome to RECOVI, All together for Victims Assistance

The rights of Victims are every bit as important as those of alleged criminals are, and in recent decades, government agencies have strengthened services to crime victims. RECOVI’s research has supported efforts to guarantee the rights of victims and assist them in a variety of ways. Victims of crime may be any gender, age, race, or ethnicity. Victimization may happen to an individual, family, group, or community; and a crime itself may be to a person or property. The impact of crime on an individual victim, their loved ones, and their community depends on a variety of factors, but often crime victimization has significant emotional, psychological, physical, financial, and social consequences.


The overall goal of RECOVI is to contribute in building a more peaceful world.
Street children, victims of different violence issued from different conflicts, orphans, victims of trauma, Youth and vulnerable women.


Created in 2010 with a mission to effectively participate in the assistance of war victims, the Community Awakening of Assistance to Victims “RECOVI” is a non-profit, apolitical association approved by Ministerial Order n° 530/1451 of November 15, 2010.


Who we are

RECOVI is a non-governmental and non-profit Organization registered in Burundi since November 2010, with a special consultative status of United Nations (ECOSOC). RECOVI aims to support victims of natural disasters and armed conflict violence and assist the under-served of rural vulnerable communities. It focusses on countering small arms and light weapons proliferation, drug abuse. And it also fosters community development via entrepreneurship actions and fighting against climate change disasters through local and regional initiatives of prevention and assistance for peace and security purposes with charity missions. .

Needy people are around us and victim is regarded in its entire meaning as a person(s) who, individually or collectively, has suffered harm, in particular injury to their physical or mental integrity, moral suffering, material loss, or serious violation of their fundamental rights, because of acts or omissions which may be recognized or not by national criminal law in human rights standards.

In accordance with this regard, we advocates for human rights, freedom of speech to harmed and harassed persons from the low age till the old aged people based on rate of victimization. Orphans, street children, people with disability, youth and women are more considered for sustainable development assistance.

Our Work Across the World

To build a better and a peaceful world in which poverty and
violence are reduced through local initiatives of preventive sensitization and victims assistance.

Distribution of School Materials
14 Septembre 2020

In September 2020, RECOVI provided school material to more than 350 children that it takes care of daily. We say thank you to the friends and partners who made this possible...

RECOVI organized a Charity Event in Bujumbura
17 Septembre 2020

At 13 September 2020, RECOVI organized a charity event in Bujumbura province. It was the occasion for an official sensitization against small arms proliferation. Local administration was invited...

Celebration of World Children’s Day
01 Septembre 2020

child is a blessing in everybody’s life. A child has rights: the right to live freely, the right to education, the right to be protected. In reality, a section of society disregards the rights of street-connected children...

16 Days Against GBV-2018
21 Septembre 2020

Gender Based Violence and Armed Violence affect people of all religions and faiths. In some cases, people are targeted of bullets specifically because of their faiths. The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence...

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Our Story

The overall goal of RECOVI is to contribute in building
a more peaceful world.



Contact Us

Give us a call, email us or come and visit us Or complete the
form below to send us a message

Location :

Commune Mukaza, zone Rohero – Boulevard de l’Indépendance, Immeuble Gift Center 3ème Etage

Open Hours :

Monday - Friday:
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM